
Sidewalk Snow Removal

Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal (City Ordinance Chapter 48 – 4.53):

  • The occupant (or owner of an unoccupied parcel) must remove snow and ice that has accumulated in the overnight hours from their sidewalk by 12:00 PM (Noon).
  • Snow falling or drifting during daytime shall be removed by 12:00 PM (Noon) the following day.
  • If removal is impracticable by 12:00 PM (Noon), sand or salt shall be spread in a manner and amount to prevent the sidewalk from being slippery and/or hazardous.

Failure to Clear (City Ordinance Chapter 48 – 4.54):

Neglect or failure to clear snow and/or ice will result in a violation of the code. The Superintendent may order the removal of snow/ice at the expense of the owner/occupant of the lot or parcel of land. This may be collected as a single lot assessment under section 1.212 of the City Code.

Please deposit snow from sidewalks or driveways further into your yard or onto the easement between the curb and sidewalk. At no point should snow be shoveled, blown or plowed into roadways as it can obstruct the safety of the drivers. Contractors or residents found in violation of this will receive a $100 ticket.

A person shall not remove, or cause to be removed, snow, ice or slush onto or across any street in a manner which obstructs the safety of the driver of a motor vehicle, other than off-road vehicles. A person shall not deposit, or cause to be deposited, snow, ice or slush on the traveled portion of any street. This includes private snow removal contractors (ordinance 74.9 c & d)