
Site Plan Review Requirements

Site Plan Review Requirements
City of Adrian
Zoning/Development Regulations
Article IV Section 4.6

4.6  Site Plan Review And Approval

A site plan review procedure is hereby established for the City of Adrian. The purpose of a site plan review is to determine compliance with the provisions set forth herein and to promote the orderly development of the City, the stability of land values and investments in the general welfare, and to help prevent impairment or depreciation of land values and development of the erection of structures or additions or alterations thereto without proper attention to siting and appearance.

The following provisions in this section shall apply to all uses requiring site plan review by this Ordinance, including multiple family developments, site condominium developments, all uses requiring a special approval use permit, and accessory uses to the previously mentioned uses. Approved plans shall regulate the development on the premises, unless modified in the same manner as the plans were originally approved.

Site plan reapplication after one (1) year will be considered as though new and on the merits as submitted. All fees shall apply for reapplication.

Site plan shall be rescinded one (1) year after Planning Commission approval unless project has commenced. Evidence of commencement shall be approval of a building permit. This does not apply if site plan is submitted as a phased development.

The Planning Commission may consider a projected completion date beyond one (1) year as proposed by applicant at the time of submission. Site plan reapplication after one (1) year will be considered as though new and on the merits as submitted. All fees shall apply for reapplication.

For any proposed site plan review dealing with residential developments, written notice will be delivered by mail, or personally, to all persons to whom any real property within (300) feet of the premises in question is assessed, and to the occupants of all single and two-family dwellings within three hundred (300) feet of the premises in question. The notice shall be given at least three (3) days prior to the hearing.

  1. Purpose. Site plan review is required for certain residential, commercial and industrial and other non-residential projects due to the impact these projects have upon the City’s ability to provide proper infrastructure to support the projects, properly deliver community services and minimize any negative impact upon the health, welfare and safety of persons in the community.
  2. Site Plan Review. A property owner or developer shall submit a site plan for review by the Planning Commission prior to the commencement of improvements to property for the following projects:
    • Any new construction in the RO, OS-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, ERO, WH, E-I, I-1, I-2 and P-1 zoned districts;
    • Any additions or expansions of structures in the B-3 zoned district;
    • Any additions or expansions of structures in the RO, OS-1, ERO, B-1, B-2,. B-4, or WH, E-I, I-1 or I-2 zoned districts if the addition or expansion equals forty (40) percent or more of the present building or the addition or expansion equals or exceeds ten thousand (10,000) square feet;
    • any redevelopment/use in the above mentioned districts where the building has been vacant for six (6) or more months.
    • any redevelopment/use in the above mentioned districts that alter the existing flow of traffic or parking pattern.
    • Any residentially related use permitted in a residential zoned district such as, but not limited to public and private facilities including:
    • multiple family dwelling units, condominiums, mobile home communities, planned unit developments;
    • new schools, churches, hospitals or nursing homes or additions thereto;
    • parks, community centers, libraries, museums, galleries, cultural centers or any governmental, administrative or service uses.
    • special approval use permits and accessory use to the previously mentioned uses.
    • The Planning Commission may require planted greenbelts, earth and/or landscaped berms, setbacks and/or walls on any site plan in any zoning district to secure the intent of the zoning district requirements and to protect adjacent property owners from unsightly existing exterior land uses, changes in zoning district boundaries or, when in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such plantings or walls will significantly enhance the site in question.
    • The Planning Commission may require scenic easements, for woodlands or portions of woodlands, rock formations, or any natural feature of land or resource which would perpetuate the natural attractiveness of any site. All such scenic easements shall be maintained as described and approved on the site plan and supporting documents of record.

Review schedule established. Site plans submitted for review must be submitted at least 20 working days prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Incomplete plans will be returned to the applicant to be resubmitted. Other development projects such as, but not limited to, Planned Unit Developments, Cluster Developments and Site Condominiums will have separate submission schedules per individual ordinance requirement. Plans submitted with incomplete information will not be reviewed.

Planning commission options for action. The planning commission may approve, approve with modifications, reject, or table any site plan.

4.61 Submission Requirements

All site plans, as required by this Ordinance, shall be submitted to the City in at least fifteen (15) copies. The City Building Inspector shall adhere to the following procedures in the review of the site plan:
All site plan reviews shall use the following procedures:

  1. Prior to site plan submission, a meeting should be held with the applicant, the City Engineer, Building Inspector, Utilities Engineer, Police Department, Fire Department and City Forester to review the proposal. Items listed herein, as required submission, will be reviewed.
  2. The Planning Commission shall approve with specified changes and/or conditions, or disapprove, the applicant?s request using the standards described in Section 4.64 of this Ordinance.
  3. Conditions or changes stipulated by the Planning Commission shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and made available to the applicant in writing. A revised site plan showing changes and conditions shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission before any permits are issued: Four (4) final site plans, including changes and conditions, shall be signed by and distributed to the following parties:
  • Applicant
  • Building Inspector
  • Utilities Department
  • Planning Commission Chair (to remain on file)
       4. Conditions and changes shall reference the standard to be met by item number listed in Section 4.64.

4.62 Deleted per Ordinance 97-8, Eff. 5-6-97
4.63 Deleted per Ordinance 97-8, Eff. 5-6-97
4.64 The following information is required to be included in site plans submitted for review. The referenced standards shall apply to the items as listed below in the Table of Requirements and Standards:

Table of Requirements and Standards

Requirement Standard
1. North Arrow Clear and prominent, pointing to the top or right of the page.
2. Scale 1? = 40 feet for lots less than 3 acres
1? = 100 feet for lots over 3 acres
3. Key/Legend Identifies and defines all symbols and prominent features
4. Plan Date Date of preparation, date of all revisions and nature of revisions
5. Location Map Map of City of Adrian, with site identified
6. Name, Address, Telephone Numbers of Owner, Developer and Design Professional Telephone numbers (cell and land line)
Fax Number
Email address
7. Seal and Signature of professional who prepared plans Professional Engineer or Architect registered in Michigan
Each page to be sealed and signed
8. Legal Description Metes and bounds, or lot numbers of all parcels included in the project
9. Property Dimensions Adjacent to line being described
10. Site Area Total Area
  • Impervious Area:
  • Roof
  • Sidewalk
  • Pavement
  • Detention/Retention
  • Pervious:
  • Grass/Landscape

Pervious and Impervious must equal total

11. Road Right-of-Way ? Improvements of Rights-of-Way Adjacent (show both sides)
12. Zoning Designation and Land Use ? If Non-Conforming Site (existing and proposed)
Adjacent parcels
Adjacent to rights-of-way
Per official City Zoning Map
13. Topography and Grades Existing and proposed
Contours of 2-foot intervals
14. Lot Coverage in Percent Building footprint(s) ? per Article XXIV, Schedule of Regulations
15. Sidewalks and Bike Paths (Internal and External) Sidewalk min. 4-ft. width
Bike Path min. 8-ft. width
Exception: Sidewalk in mobile home park is 3-ft. min. width. Per Chapter 50 of the City Code of Ordinances
16. Required Building Setback Front, rear and side. Per Article XXIV, Schedule of Regulations
17. Building Size(s), Use(s) and Location(s) Existing, proposed, total. Per Article XXIV, Schedule of Regulations ? per allowed uses in appropriate zoning classifications
18. Distance Between Buildings At the closest point ? per Michigan construction code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
19. Building Height in Feet Per Section 2.31, Zoning/Development Regulations (graphic description)
20. Parking Spaces Number, dimensions, layout for regular and handicap spaces
Per Michigan Barrier Free Standards Per Section 4.37, Zoning/Development
Per Section 2.99.09, Zoning/Development Regulations, definition of ?parking space?
21. Barrier Free (HDCP) Accommodations
MDOT Standard Details
Michigan Barrier Free Code
22. Driveway Widths Turning Template AASHTO Green Book
Designate design vehicle
23. Driveway Construction Min. 8-inch thick aggregate base
Min. 3-inch thick asphalt surface
Min. 4-inch thick concrete surface
Engineered design alternatives
24. Off-Street Loading Zones Section 4.37, Zoning/Development Regulations
25. Curb Cut: Drive Location and Design Chapter 74 ? City Code of Ordinances
MDOT Curb Cut Standards
Turning Template AASHTO Green Book
Designate design vehicle
26. Acceleration, Deceleration, Passing Lanes (where applicable) MDOT Standard Details
AASHTO Green Book
27. Utility Locations: Existing and Proposed City Utilities Department may require flow projections and concurrent pressure calculations
  • Water: Size, hydrants, valves, materials, estimates of water usage if industrial
  • Sewers: Size, inverts, rim elevations, grades, inlets, materials, connections, cleanouts, detention/retention
28. Storm Water Management System Chapter 74, Article V; ?Procedures and Design Criteria for Stormwater Management Systems?, developed by Lenawee County Drain Commission
29. Erosion and sedimentation control practices, wind erosion and dust control MDEQ Publication of Approved BMP?s and according to City Policy
30. Drainage Control Inlet management during construction
31. Tracking Control Minimize mud tracked into street
32. Non Storm Water Control Storage Containment, according to National Fire Prevention Association
33. Sign (Location, Size, Detail) Article XXX, Zoning/Development Regulations
34. Wetland/Floodplain Boundaries FEMA Maps
MIRIS Wetland Maps
35. Existing and Proposed Easements
Owner and purpose
Liber and page of easement
36. Existing Improvements Within 200 feet of Site Buildings, driveways, sidewalks, trees, bushes
37. Landscaping Per Section 4.9 – Zoning/Development Regulations
Location, type, quantity and size
38. Fences Section 4.41 (C) – Zoning/Development
Location, height, material, details
39. Screening Section 4.41 (B), Zoning/Development Regulations
Location, height, material, details
40. Lighting Section 4.41 (A) – Zoning/Development
Location, height, shade detail, design type
41. Dumpster Pad Section 4.41 (D) ? Zoning/Development
Location, design, enclosures, protective device
42. Berms Location, size, planting, details
43. Elevation Plan showing all sides of building Building height
Location of windows, doors, lighting, signage, landscaping
Building materials
44. Number of Proposed Multi-Family Developments, Area of Individual Units  Article XXIV, Schedule of Regulations, Article VIII and Article IX, Zoning/Development Regulations
45. Proposed Use Group and Construction Type Michigan Building Code, as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
46. Hazardous materials ? storage, classifications, amounts, and locations International Fire Code, as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections.
47. Proposed type(s) of fire protections systems International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
48. Walkway leading to a fire apparatus roadway 4-foot access
International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
49. Access to roads Loading (75,000 lbs.)
Posted as fire lanes min. width 20? width, vertical clearance 13?6?
With hydrants ? min. width 26?
62,000 sq ft or 100 dwelling units – 2 access roads
International Fire as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
50. Buildings over 30? in height, no aerial access obstructions Minimum 3 means of access
Width 26?
Parallel to building ? width 15 ? 30?
International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
51. Dead-end drives longer than 150? Turnaround per International Fire Code, as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
52. Fire flow testing International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
53. Use Group, Occupancy Load, NFPA Construction Type, Building Height International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
54. Sprinkler and standpipe system connection location International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections
55. On-site turning radius International Fire Code as currently adopted by the City of Adrian, all applicable sections

4.65 The site plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and other appropriate bodies as heretofore designated with a recommendation for its approval or disapproval and any conditions the Planning Commission or other appropriate bodies feel should be imposed.

4.66 The Planning Commission shall have the function and power to approve or disapprove the site plan subject to compliance with such modifications and conditions as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purpose of these regulations and other Ordinances.

4.67 The Planning Commission shall have the function and power to request additional professional review from the City Attorney, Engineering Consultant and/or Planning Consultant, and the permittee shall be responsible for any and all charges incurred therefore.

4.68 The Zoning Permit may be revoked in any case where the conditions of such permit have not been or are not being complied with, in which case the Planning Commission shall give the permittee notice of intention to revoke such permit at least ten (10) days prior to review of the permit by the Planning Commission. After conclusions of such review, the Planning Commission may revoke such permit if it feels that a violation in fact exists and has not been remedied prior to such hearing.

4.69 Site Change
Any structure, use or field change added subsequent to the initial site plan approval must be approved by the Planning Commission. Incidental and minor variations of the approved site plan with the written approval of the Building Inspector shall not invalidate prior site plan approval.

4.69.1 Phased Construction
Where phases or staged construction is contemplated for the development of a project, the site plan submitted must show the inter-relationship of the proposed project to the future stages, including the following:

  • Relationship and identification of future structures
  • Pedestrian and vehicular circulation
  • Time schedule for completion of the various phases of the proposed construction
  • Temporary facilities or construction of same as required to facilitate the stated development

4.69.2 Administrative Short Form
To facilitate the review of minor redevelopment (less than $25,000 in construction value) or expansion projects, the zoning officer may accept and shall have the power to approve or disapprove a site plan, subject to compliance with such modifications and conditions as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter and other ordinances, with the following information:

  • A legal description of the property under consideration
  • The land uses of the area surrounding the project
  • Date, north point, and scale
  • The dimensions of all lot and property lines
  • The siting of all structures on the subject property
  • Significant environmental features such as wetlands, shoreline, streams and trees
  • The nature of the proposed project

Landscaping And Screening Requirements
City of Adrian
Article IV ? Section 4.9

4.91 For the WH and the RM-1 Districts, 25% of the site shall be in landscaped open space. The open space shall be landscaped with one (1) evergreen tree or shrub for every 1,000 square feet of portion thereof, plus one (1) small or large deciduous tree for every 2,000 square feet or portion thereof. (Plant materials existing on the site prior to development may be included as part of the requirement). Ground cover or lawn is required in all landscaped areas. (See Table for appropriate uses of plant materials).

4.92 For permitted and special approval nonresidential uses in the R-1, R-2, RT, RM-1, and WH Districts, 30% of the site under development shall be in landscaped open space. The open space shall be landscaped with one (1) evergreen tree or shrub for every 1,000 square feet or portion thereof plus one (1) small or large deciduous tree for every 1,500 square feet or portion thereof. (Plant Materials existing on the site prior to development may be included as part of the requirement). Twenty-five (25) percent of the required open space shall be between the roadway and the building. Buildings on corner lots shall have 40% of the required open space between the building and the street. Landscaping of an adjacent right-of-way may be included in the requirement if it is maintained by the adjacent property owner. (See Table for appropriate uses of plant materials.)

4.93 For permitted and special approval uses in the OS-1, B-1, B-2, I-1 and I-2 Districts, 15% of the site shall be in landscaped open space with one (1) evergreen tree or shrub for every 1,000 square feet or portion thereof plus one (1) small or large deciduous tree for every 2,000 square feet or portion thereof. (Plant materials existing on the site prior to development may be included as part of the requirement). Thirty (30) percent of the required open space shall be between the roadway and the building. Buildings on corner lots shall have 60% of the required open space between the building and the roadway. Whenever feasible, a portion of the landscaping shall be places adjacent to the building(s). Landscaping of an adjacent right-of-way may be included in the requirement if it is maintained by the adjacent property owner. (See Table for appropriate uses of plant materials).

4.94 All areas shall be landscaped and shall meet the following standards:

  • No synthetic plant materials such as artificial grass, shrubs, trees, or flowers shall be used to fulfill any landscaping requirements.
  • Berms, whenever utilized shall be designed and landscaped to minimize erosion. Berms adjacent public rights-of-way shall have a slope no greater than 3:1, unless designed as part of a retaining wall.
  • All landscaping materials shall consist of healthy specimens compatible with local climate, soil characteristics, drainage, and water supply. All plant material shall be reasonably resistant to drought and disease. Non-nursery derived stock shall not be used to satisfy these requirements.
  • Grass or other living plants shall be primary ground cover in required landscaped areas. Both sod planting and seeding are acceptable.
  • Ground covers other than grass shall be planted in required areas to provide complete coverage within two (2) growing seasons. Vines shall not be used adjacent to pedestrian areas.
  • Unless otherwise specified, materials such as river rock, cobble, boulders, paving stone, patterned concrete, bark and wood chips shall be limited to small areas and shall not exceed 25 percent of the required landscape area. All such ground covers shall be at least six (6) inches deep. Loose gravel less than three (3) inch minimum aggregate size shall not be used in areas abutting public streets or sidewalks.
  • Maintenance shall include all reasonable and regular irrigation, weeding, fertilizing and pruning. Plant materials which show signs of insect pests, diseases and/or damage shall be appropriately treated. Dead plant materials shall be replaced immediately or as soon as practical under the seasonal conditions existing and according to the approved site plan. The developer and subsequent owner(s) shall be responsible for maintaining all on-site landscaping.
  • Plant materials and their minimum size requirements shall be installed in accordance with Plant Material Guidelines.
  • Landscaping plans may be submitted to the Zoning Officer for technical review and to the Planning Commission for approval within ninety (90) days after final approval of the site plan. Plans may be submitted as an amendment to the site plan, thereby not requiring an additional review fee. On projects in excess of two (2) acres, the developer may file a phased plan for completing the landscaping pursuant to these standards.